Dog Attack Cases

Everyone loves dogs right? Of course they do…unless they are a cat person… But nobody loves when dogs attack! The Drexler Law Firm has specialized in handling dog bite and dog attack cases for over 30 years. Did you know that if a dog attacks someone and that person falls down and is injured that person can pursue a claim? If you, yourself, or anyone you know if attacked by a dog, whether it be a traumatic bite, a knock down or a collision, our firm knows the law and has the top notch experience necessary to seek out compensation for any injuries that were sustained. Please contact us if we can be of assistance.

David Booth discusses Personal Injury Attorney David Drexler

Contact Los Angeles Personal Injury Attorneys

We have a team of experienced trial attorneys who will provide you with wise and compassionate legal counsel and representation through each stage of the process.Remember, you pay nothing if we do not win your case.

Give us a call today. We’d love to chat!